Multiplex 10 is an animated web series about a schlock-loving movie theater usher named Kurt and a film snob named Jason who have come to realize they have a little common ground in their shared — but very different — love of film.

Their story began with Multiplex 10: The Animated Short, which was released in January 2018, and continued in Multiplex 10: The Web Series the same month. While these web series episodes are set after the events of the short film, they are standalone comedic shorts. The web series concluded with “The End…?” in July, 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic.

A companion series called Multiplex 10 Movie Minutes debuted in May 2018, featuring spoiler-free, animated movie reviews by the Multiplex 10 staff, and ending in 2019.

Multiplex 10 is based on the comic strip Multiplex, which chronicled the lives of the staff of a movie theater over the course of twelve years. Multiplex 10 appeals to movie lovers, anyone who’s ever worked a minimum wage job, and anyone who’s ever had an annoying friend who just can’t shut up about why the things you like are terrible.

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About Gordon McAlpin

Gordon McAlpin wrote and illustrated the comic strip Multiplex from July 2005 through April 2017. He is the executive producer, director, and animator of the Multiplex 10 short and the web series, as well as the voice of Jason. Outside of Multiplex 10, he works a freelance graphic designer, writer/game designer, illustrator, and animator.

He has an MFA in Design from the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, with a minor in Moving Image Media Studies. He lives in Chicago, Illinois.