Coming soon to the Multiplex 10 Cinemas

We’ve got a loose roadmap for the final three Kickstarter-funded videos. They will be (assuming everything works out):

  1. An extra-length Multiplex 10 Movie Minutes episode with Kurt and Jason reviewing all three films in the How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy (spoiler-free for the third one, but not the first two), aiming for a March early May release.
  2. A shorter, timely web series episode similar to our first batch of episodes, with an approximate April late May/early June release.
  3. One final web series episode along the lines of our biggest and longest episodes “Self-Help,” “More Than Meets the Eye,” etc., aiming for a July/August release.

Due to the ambitious nature of the three episodes we’ve produced to date, which run longer than the first SIX web series episodes combined (not counting credits), and we’re running on fumes right now — so if you love Multiplex 10 and want us to keep making them, tell your friends about the series and help push us over the finish line by becoming our Patreon patron today — or making a one-time donation.

Obviously, we hope to produce more Multiplex 10 in some form after these episodes are done! (We’ll be doing some comics on this site, at the very least.) Who knows that the future holds?

Thanks as always for your support! More soon.