The Multiplex 10 Indiegogo campaign has passed 150% of its funding goal!

Like Melissa and Kurt said in the comic, we’ve blown past the base goal for the Indiegogo Second Chance campaign, and we’ve passed the $3,000 stretch goal, as well—with a couple of days remaining in the funding period.

At this point, we’ve unlocked 4GB USB cards and a director’s commentary track for the short film, and we’re already getting the ball rolling for some all-new animated things. The exact format is up to the funding.

At the $4,000 stretch goal, we can definitely fund a 2–3 minute webisode. Less than that, and we’ll see what we can do… A minute? A handful of even shorter things? We’ll see! Whatever it is, it’ll be fun.

If you’re up for helping make that happen, head on over to the Indiegogo campaign page and pledge today! The campaign ends on FRIDAY NIGHT.